Subscriber Add-on (Must Be Purchased with Subscription)
Friends don’t let friends miss Resonance Ensemble concerts!
When you subscribe to Resonance Ensemble’s season, you can add a friend or family member to your subscription for an additional fee—ensuring you sit together and save on their tickets at the same time!
One additional ticket to every show ($180 value)
Only available with purchase of a subscription
Friends don’t let friends miss Resonance Ensemble concerts!
When you subscribe to Resonance Ensemble’s season, you can add a friend or family member to your subscription for an additional fee—ensuring you sit together and save on their tickets at the same time!
One additional ticket to every show ($180 value)
Only available with purchase of a subscription
Friends don’t let friends miss Resonance Ensemble concerts!
When you subscribe to Resonance Ensemble’s season, you can add a friend or family member to your subscription for an additional fee—ensuring you sit together and save on their tickets at the same time!
One additional ticket to every show ($180 value)
Only available with purchase of a subscription